I'll be driving north next week to do some recording and a video shoot on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. The peninsula is one of my favorite places in the world and October is a dynamic and inspiring month to be up there creating art. Last year I was on a fall tour in the Pacific Northwest with my band RAQIA and we made a stop on the Peninsula where we created wild sounds in the bunkers at Fort Warden State Park in Port Townsend, meditated in the deep silence of the Hoh Rainforest, and walked the bleak and other-worldly beaches at the western-most point of the Continental United States. Upon returning home I wrote this travel poem, inspired my the ever changing environments of tour life. I nostalgically share it now, with a feeling- a longing- to get back out on the road and share the art, the music, the show.
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I am an explorer of mountains and forests
oceans lakes and rivers
cloudy skies and sun-baked deserts
of roads and highways
and the spaces between
of cities buildings archways concrete overpasses
subway stations and tiled walls
cement jungles and tall buildings
tall trees and mossy groves
the great crevasses of my soul
and the cosmos far into the imagination
the darker and deeper the better I can't stop.
I. Can't. Stop.
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